Thursday, January 22, 2009

Helloooo Out There, Anybody There?

I finished a 5-ring stacking set today. Yay!!! I'm sending them off to Japan in the morning. I love sending my creations off to far away places.

Now, for things closer to home. Okay, I have to admit that I'm so new at this blogging stuff that I obsessively check throughout the day to see if anyone has left comments for me. It's so sad that I always see 0 comments. Just one comment, is that too much to ask??? My blog manager, aka my tech-savvy, hip daughter tells me I have to spice things up a bit, but I'm not quite sure how. I need to start thinking hip, I guess. I've gleaned some terrific advice from a fellow etsyan's blog at He seems to have a whirlwind of activity on his blog and on his etsy site. He definitely knows what he's doing. I have much to learn. I'll keep going, one luddite step after another.


  1. I know what you mean! I have so much to learn too about online promoting and selling.
    I would rather just create! : )

  2. I love to create, too, but feel it's all for naught if I don't sell more. I can't possible wear or give away everything I make, you know what I mean?
